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Labour of Love: Digital Economies in the Arts
Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art presents Labour of Love or LOL, a series of lectures, screenings, and workshops focused on digital economies of labour in the arts. Taking on the “public course” as a platform for engagement, this program highlights […]
Stan Douglas: Luanda-Kinshasa
Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art 460 Portage, Winnipeg
Code, Corals, Capitalism and Curls | A lecture by Carmen Aguilar y Wedge of Hyphen-Labs
Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art 460 Portage, WinnipegOn Monday, November 18, 2019 at 8pm, Plug In ICA presents a lecture by Carmen Aguilar y Wedge of Hyphen-Labs as part of Labour of Love: On Digital Economies in the Arts, a series of lectures, screenings, and workshops. Code, Corals, Capitalism and Curls will look at an international approach to […]