
Video: Jean-Paul Kelly Artist Talk

In the lead up to Jean-Paul Kelly’s solo exhibition, That ends that matter, Plug In ICA welcomed this perceptive and provocative artist to Winnipeg. Kelly introduced the complexity of his working process and research methods through a visual discussion of his work.

On Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 7pm, Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art presented an artist talk by Jean-Paul Kelly. As an introduction to Kelly’s solo exhibition, That ends that matter, the artist spoke about the trajectory of his art practice and how it led him to the current three-channel video installation which opened at Plug In ICA on Thursday, January 24. Born in London, Ontario and presently based out of Toronto, Kelly has over the last decade traverse through a body of work that has grown to include drawings, found images, animation, sound, photography and video all of which variably address the unstable ideas of truth within documentary frameworks.

That ends that matter is the first presentation of Jean-Paul Kelly’s work in Winnipeg and in the prairies. He has extensively exhibited and screened works across North America and Europe including Delfina Foundation (London), Musée d’art contemporain des Laurentides (Saint-Jérôme), CGP London: Dilston Grove, Oakville Galleries, Wexner Center for the Arts (Columbus), The Power Plant (Toronto), Mercer Union (Toronto), and Gallery TPW (Toronto). Screenings include: Canada House (London), Courtisane Festival (Ghent), Vdrome, International Film Festival Rotterdam, New York Film Festival, and Toronto International Film Festival. He has held artist residencies at the ISCP (New York) and Delfina Foundation; and was a guest artist at the 2018 Brakhage Center Symposium and the 2013 Flaherty Seminar. Kelly received the 2015 Images Festival Award, the 2014 Kazuko Trust Award from the Film Society of Lincoln Center.

Related exhibition: Jean-Paul Kelly: That ends that matter